Product Description by our Music Experts
This Saxophone Fingering Chart is the perfect fold-out poster to stick on your wall to remind you of all the fingerings you will need on your for Bb soprano, Eb alto, Bb tenor or Eb baritone saxophone, and has loads of other useful info!
Detailed fingering chart and saxophone diagram
This laminated card saxophone fingering chart goes from a low Bb (below middle C) to a high F (over 2 octaves above middle C), with key diagrams for the left and right hands (with the notes you need to press down coloured in black), notations of the notes on the treble clef stave, and the sounding pitches of the notes for each instrument (the saxophone is a transposing instrument in either Eb or Bb so for example, a written D will come out sounding like an F on the Eb alto saxophone). A beautiful labelled photo of a saxophone shows you where to find the keys on your instrument, and the names for all the different parts of the saxophone.
Lots of bonus features
4 cool extras sections remind you everything you need to know to play the saxophone:
- Notation - reminds you about repeat marks, first and second time bars, subdivisions, two instrument parts on one staff, and other musical directions
- Instrument care - useful ‘Things to have on hand’, ‘Putting the instruments together’, ‘Cleaning’, and ‘Storing’ info
- Transposition - this section explains the difference between the written music and the notes that sound from each saxophone, and give you golden rules of how to remember these transpositions!
- Pitch system - explains how each octave is labelled (C2B2, c1b1 etc)